Detox and Anthelmintic


Anthelmintic Herbal peels are an excellent:

✅ antiparasitic,
✅ anti-inflammatory,
✅ antiseptic
✅ antimicrobial
✅ immune-strengthening remedy

Effectively fights parasites, fungi, bacteria.

Effective in:

❗️reduces spasms and fermentation in the intestines,
❗️normalizes the secretion of gastric juice,
the secretion of digestive glands,
❗️mild choleretic, blood purifying effect.

Indications for use:

‼️Presence of parasites in one of the family members (all family who is in contact better take course together).

‼️Frequent illnesses with sore throats, tonsillitis, respiratory infections;

‼️Bronchial asthma;

‼️Frequent diarrhea or vice versa constipation;

‼️Abdominal pain, flatulence;

‼️Pimples, acne, pigment spots;

‼️Decline of strength, chronic fatigue;

‼️Muscle pain, joint pain;

‼️Poor sleep, grinding your teeth in your sleep;


✅Elderberry herb — has powerful antihelminthic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and immune-strengthening properties, choleretic action.
The plant is actively used in the fight against giardia.

✅ Wormwood — fights helminths, fungi, bacteria, etc.
Especially effective against ascarids and pinworms.

Wormwood cleanses the blood, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and genitals from worm larvae.

✅ Clove — destroys adult helminths and numerous larvae and eggs.

The antiparasitic effect of cloves is manifested in the plasma, brain, nervous and reproductive systems.

✅ Yarrow — fights with herpes viruses, protozoa (chlamydia and trichomonads), all kinds of flat and round worms.

St. aire (aire) — has strong antiparasitic properties.

✅ Pumpkin seeds — contain the substance cucurbitin, thanks to which a blow to intestinal parasites.

Method of use:

Adults 2-3 capsules 2 times a day — 30 min before meals.
The course of 21 days.

Children from 7 years — 1 capsule with meals, morning and evening.

During the course drink more pure water. Do not use sugar, smoked meats, milk, alcohol.


Individual sensitivity to the components of the collection; pregnant and lactating women.

Not in capsules

60 Capsules


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